One of the best-selling products on the balcony of Rua da Betesga are Almonds with the skin. Sold by the weight, also exist in the version without skin. Considered a super food, almonds are a source of nutrients, such as fiber, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.
We highlight seven benefits of this wonderful fruit of the Almond Tree:
Cardiovascular Health: The consumption of almonds can lower bad cholesterol (LDL) with the preservation of (HDL), the so-called good cholesterol.
Skin: Improves skin health, enhancing flexibility by containing Vitamin E, powerful antioxidant that cares for the skin and prevents aging.
Brain: Protects brain cells from damage by free radicals, also improving blood circulation to the brain. It improves the memory, very advised also to children.
Weight Loss: High healthy fat helps in metabolism. Rich in fiber, they help and facilitate digestion.
Bones and Teeth: Sources of calcium and mineral, strengthens bones and teeth. It also provides, Magnesium and Phosphorus, which help bone health by preventing osteoporosis.
Diabetes: Rich in fiber, it lowers the rise in blood sugar level.
In pregnancy: One of the nutrients responsible for the proper development of fetuses in pregnant women is folate, found in almonds.